Peneliti | Judul Penelitian Mandiri | Tahun | Nominal | File |
Dr. Said Subhan Posangi, M.Pd. Ahmad Zaenuri, M.Pd. Fikriyansyah Mantau |
Islamic Education Perspective on Empowering the Quality of Human Resources | 2021 | Rp.30.000,000 | Unduh |
Prof. Dr. Kasim Yahiji, M.Ag. Ruwiah A. Buhungo, M.Pd.I. Moh. Afan Samuel |
Learning Strategy Package B Program Salafiyah Syafiiyah Islamic Boarding School Randangan District | 2021 | Rp.30.000,000 | |
Dr. Mujahid Damopolii, M.Pd. Dr. Hasyim M. Wantu, M.Pd.I. Nugi Prayogo Damo |
Review of Islamic Education on the Existence of Beggars in Gorontalo City | 2021 | Rp.30.000,000 | |
Dr. Arten Mobonggi, M.Pd. Dr. Habibie Yusuf, M.Pd. Geby Thalia Suryani Gobel |
Coeducation and Its Influence on Student Development (Islamic Education Review) | 2021 | Rp.30.000,000 | |
Dr. Burhanudin AK. Mantau, M.Pd.I. Dr. Firmansyah Kobandaha, M.Pd. Darwin Agung S. Miolo |
Skills to Develop School Culture at High School 1 Marisa, Pohuwato Regency | 2021 | Rp.30.000,000 | |
Dr. Muh. Arif, M.Ag. Kusmawaty Matara, M.A. Nurtina Ganggai |
Application of Character Assessment in Islamic Religious Education Learning at Elementary School 1 Bakida Kec. Bol-Uki Kab. Bolaang Monggondow Selatan | 2021 | Rp.30.000,000 | |
Dr. Zohra Yasin, M.Pd. Dr. Rahmawati, M.Pd. Sri Ulan Dadu |
Implementation of Character Education with Exemplary and Honesty Formation Patterns for Students at Elementary School 5 Limboto, Gorontalo Regency | 2021 | Rp.30.000,000 |
Peneliti | Judul Penelitian Mandiri | Tahun | Nominal | File |
Dr. Zohra Yasin, M.Pd. Ruwiah A. Buhungo, M.Pd.I. Santi Ahmad |
Classroom Management Skills and Implications for the Smooth Learning of Islamic Education at SMP Negeri 1 Moutong | 2022 | Rp.30.000,000 | Unduh |
Dr. Mujahid Damopolii, M.Pd. Ahmad Zaenuri, M.Pd. Munifa Korompot |
The Role of Parental Motivation in Children’s Education in Lobu Village, Moutong District | 2022 | Rp.30.000,000 | |
Dr. Muh. Ramoend Manahung, M.Sos.I. Mariaty Podungge, M.Pd. Lisda |
The Influence of Teacher Work Ethic on the Effectiveness of the Learning Process in Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Isimu, Gorontalo Regency | 2022 | Rp.30.000,000 | |
Dr. Arten Mobonggi, M.Pd. Dr. Habibie Yusuf, M.Pd. Rahmawati Karim |
Principal’s Leadership Style in Improving Teacher Performance at SMP 2 Tolangohula Gorontalo Regency | 2022 | Rp.30.000,000 | |
Dr. Lian G. Otaya, M.Pd. Dr. Firmansyah Kobandaha, M.Pd. Tri Handoko Paputungan |
The Influence of Teacher Work Ethic on the Effectiveness of the Learning Process in Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Isimu, Gorontalo Regency | 2022 | Rp.30.000,000 | |
Dr. Najamuddin Petta Solong, M.Ag. Dr. Hasyim M.Wantu, M.Pd.I. Ramona Alicia Hasan |
Implementation of Professional Competence of Islamic Education Teachers in Improving the Ability of Students in MTs. Al-Huda Gorontalo | 2022 | Rp.30.000,000 | |
Prof. Dr. Buhari Luneto, M.Pd. Dr. Rahmawati, M.Pd. Nurmaningsih Mile |
Value-Based Learning Process on Akidah Akhlak Subjects (Case study at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Yusra Gorontalo City) | 2022 | Rp.30.000,000 |
Peneliti | Judul Penelitian Mandiri | Tahun | Nominal | File |
Dr. Najamuddin Petta Solong, M.Ag. Kusmawati Matara, M.A. Alfitri Yeni Pensed |
Improving the Performance of Islamic Education and Problematic Education Teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Sumalata, North Gorontalo Regency | 2023 | Rp.30.000,000 | Unduh |
Prof. Dr. Buhari Luneto, M.Pd. Dr. Habibie Yusuf, M.Pd. Desinta Mahmud |
Classroom Management and Implications for the Learning Process at MIN Parungi, Boliyohuto District, Gorontalo Regency | 2023 | Rp.30.000,000 | |
Dr. Herson Anwar, M.Pd. Anugerah Lestari, M.Pd. Hastika Boham |
The Effect of Mastery of Information and Communication Technology on Work Productivity at MIS Al-Mukhlisin, Hungayonaa Village, Tilamuta District, Boalemo Regency | 2023 | Rp.30.000,000 | |
Dr. Burhanudin AK. Mantau, M.Pd.I. Aprilianus Pratama, M.Stat. Zulkarnain Ibrahim |
Teacher Personality Competency Development Strategy at SMP Negeri 2 Tolangohula Gorontalo Regency | 2023 | Rp.30.000,000 | |
Dr. Said Subhan Posangi, M.Pd.I. Mariaty Podungge, M.Pd. Alfian Zakaria |
Management of Educational Facilities and Infrastructure and Its Implications for the Learning Process of MI Al-Magfirah Bina Jaya, Tolangohula District, Gorontalo Regency | 2023 | Rp.30.000,000 | |
Dr. Lian G. Otaya, M.Pd. Dr. Fatimah Djafar, M.Pd. Maryam U. Lasena |
Teacher Performance in the Implementation of Learning Program Evaluation at SMA Negeri 2 Gorontalo Utara | 2023 | Rp.30.000,000 |